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How Can I Prevent Losing Teeth During Pregnancy?

If you are currently pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, you have undoubtedly heard the horror stories about losing teeth during pregnancy. While there is some truth in the background on these stories, proper preventative measures can help you avoid losing teeth during pregnancy.

Exploring the Myths and Old Wive’s Tales

Myths and old wive’s tales often have a truthful base, but over time they become distorted and no longer relay the original truth. The stories about losing teeth during pregnancy also include some truth. It is possible to suffer one or more lost teeth while pregnant.

Although that should be a concern to you, knowing the facts about why women lose teeth will help you understand how to avoid losing teeth. Just because the old wive’s tales say you should lose your teeth doesn’t mean that you have to! Discover what is true, false and what you can do to prevent losing teeth during pregnancy.

One Tooth Lost per Pregnancy?

One of the most common myths is that a woman will lose one tooth each time she is pregnant. Although the potential for tooth loss is there, proper oral hygiene and dental care will keep all your teeth healthy.

Because of hormone surges during pregnancy, women are more susceptible to gum disease and bleeding gums. Taking proper care of your teeth with regular twice-daily brushing and flossing will help prevent any potential tooth loss.

Calcium Theft

A common belief is that a woman’s unborn baby steals calcium from the mother’s body. This supposedly creates a calcium deficiency which contributes to tooth decay. None of that is true. While a woman may become calcium deficient during pregnancy, it is not because the baby is stealing calcium.

The most significant factor in tooth decay is an increase in eating due to nausea. The combination of increased food intake and stomach acids in bile from morning sickness can take a toll on teeth. You should frequently rinse with water and brush more often after snacking if you suffer morning sickness.

Hormonal Changes and Gingivitis

Pregnancy causes changes within a woman’s body. Some of the most noticeable symptoms are tender gums, slight swelling, and possibly bleeding gums. These tell-tale signs of gingivitis can develop in anyone, but the hormone changes during pregnancy place women at a higher risk.

Gingivitis is a gum infection, and you should seek dental care with your regular dentist if you notice the signs. Taking proper care of your teeth and gums will help also. Untreated gingivitis can cause tooth loss, so please, don’t ignore these symptoms.

An Ounce of Prevention

There is an old cliche that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In the case of oral hygiene during pregnancy, that holds. Practicing better oral hygiene, seeing your dentist regularly, and being aware of the symptoms of potential problems will help you prevent tooth loss during pregnancy.

The Importance of Good Oral Hygiene

We learn from an early age about the benefits of oral hygiene. Proper brushing and flossing is the best defence against cavities and tooth decay. The following tips will help you keep your mouth healthy during pregnancy:

  • Use ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste at least twice daily.
  • Floss thoroughly every day to remove plaque buildup.
  • Eat a well-balanced nutritious diet.
  • Maintain regular dental checkups.

A Quick Word on Morning Sickness

One of the most annoying parts about being pregnant is the occurrence of morning sickness. Despite the name, nausea can occur at any point during the day. Aside from the inconvenience of vomiting, there are other considerations about what morning sickness means for your teeth.

Most vomit contains acids from your stomach that can attack your teeth. Many people immediately reach for toothbrushes and toothpaste, which could exacerbate dental problems. Because of the acid, rinsing with a mix of baking soda (about one teaspoon) and warm water will help neutralize the acid.

Hopefully, you won’t experience morning sickness or at least not much, but if you do, please rinse your mouth with plain water or the baking soda mix before brushing.

Signs and Symptoms of Dental Problems

There can be many contributing factors to dental problems during pregnancy. Rising hormone levels can cause gum problems. Cravings for sugary foods and snacks mean you’re not eating all the best things. Morning sickness can cause vomiting. Although common, you should be aware of these issues and watch for signs of changes or new or increasing symptoms.

Some of the things to be aware of:

  • Loose teeth.
  • Mouth sores or lumpy spots on the gums.
  • Bad breath.
  • New or increasing spaces between teeth.
  • Red, tender, bleeding, or swollen gums.
  • Receding gums or a changing gum line.
  • Tooth pain or general mouth pain.

Mouth infections can happen at any time. During pregnancy, the risk to your baby is a concern. Please see your dentist if you have any of the signs or symptoms discussed above. Although they could be a normal reaction to pregnancy, they could be the warning signs of more significant problems.

Prevent Losing Teeth During Pregnancy

The best way to prevent losing teeth during pregnancy is to maintain good oral care habits and regular checkups with your dentist. Be sure to inform the office that you are pregnant and how far along you are when you schedule appointments. This helps office personnel prepare for your visit to keep you and your baby safer.

A quick recap:

  • Brush at least twice each day.
  • Use an ADA-accepted toothpaste containing fluoride.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush.
  • Rinse your mouth after a bout of morning sickness.
  • Contact your dentist if you have questions or problems.

Many of the old rumours about tooth loss began when dentists were few and far between. Without regular dental care, of course, women lose teeth during pregnancy. Fortunately, we can recognize and correct problems before they result in tooth loss with modern dental practices.

Schedule a Regular Cleaning and Checkup Today

If you are pregnant or thinking about having a baby soon, now is the perfect time to schedule a checkup with Dr. Rekha Miranda and her team at Quinte Mall Dental. Specializing in family dental care, Quinte Mall Dental is here for you.

To schedule your appointment, use our online Appointment Request or call the office at (613) 962-8626. Our entire team is here to help you prevent tooth loss during pregnancy.

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