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Don’t Fear the Dentist! We Will Help You Overcome Your Fear!

Every dentist says it — “Don’t Fear the Dentist!” But it isn’t as easy as that. Dental anxiety has a variety of causes, and it can be quite overwhelming. At Quinte Mall Dental, we understand why patients experience fear. When we say, “We Will Help You Overcome Your Fear!” we speak from experience.

Don’t Fear the Dentist!

“Don’t Fear the Dentist!” says the dentist, while holding a drill in one hand and shining a blindingly bright light in your eyes. The sounds, the smells, random patients are making random squeaky, stifled screams. We get it. The dentist’s office can be a very frightening place. Let’s explore why so many people have a fear of the dentist.

First, people generally put off dental care until they are already in pain. If you have a toothache, going to the dentist will hurt a bit to fix the pain. That is the fact that we cannot deny. Second, if you are already in pain, you are dreading the visit to the dentist. You know it’s going to hurt, so you build up fear before you even get to the office.

Dental anxiety is REAL. You aren’t crazy. It isn’t just you. It is common, and dentists everywhere see it daily. Dentists do not enjoy causing pain. Their main goal is to keep you from ever having to experience a toothache. But to do that, they need your help.

We Will Help You Overcome Your Fear!

The first step to overcome your fear of the dentist is by making regular appointments. Maintaining good oral hygiene and having regular dental cleanings can reduce cavities, oral infections, and other causes of aching teeth. By seeing the dentist when you aren’t in pain already, you will begin to relax in the office.

Let us know about your anxiety. We can’t just “know” unless you talk to us. At Quinte Mall Dental, we want to work with you to ease your fear. If that means taking a few extra minutes to explain a procedure to you, we will do that. While there are various ways to address your anxiety, we can’t help if we aren’t aware — so please tell us about your fears.

Many patients find that nitrous oxide helps to ease anxiety. There are many benefits to using nitrous oxide:

  • Reduced anxiety
  • More dental work can be accomplished per visit (fewer visits)
  • Very few side effects (you may laugh a bit and be a bit goofy)
  • Less pain
  • Procedures seem to take less time

While you may never reach a point where you truly enjoy visiting the dentist, we will do our best to reduce your fear. Sometimes, helping you get to a point where you don’t dread coming to our office is a good starting point.

Talk to Us About Dental Anxiety

Your fear is real. We will never dismiss you or continue your treatment while you are uncomfortable. We will stop and help you relax. Communication between you and Dr. Rekha Miranda, and our entire staff is integral. Dental work is much easier for everyone when a patient is relaxed.

Make an appointment using the appointment request form on our site, or call the office at (613) 962-8626. We WILL help you overcome your fear.

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